Secured Visa

Enjoy Visa convenience as you build your financial foundation

A solid credit score is often the key to qualifying for a mortgage, auto financing, insurance - and even some jobs. We're happy to get you on track. If you're recovering from a financial setback - or are just beginning your financial journey - a Central Virginia Federal Credit Union Secured Visa® can provide worldwide purchasing power while strengthening your credit rating. Here's how it works:

  • Deposit from $250 to $5,000 into a special savings account
  • Your credit card limit equals the amount deposited in that account
  • Because your credit line is secured by your deposit amount, your interest rate is lower than a typical credit card
  • Shop online or at millions of locations worldwide
  • Make payments on time to establish good credit - unlike debit debit cards or pre-paid cards, this payment information is sent to major credit bureaus, helping you build your credit history